Dec 19, 2017
John Walker
Club Assembly and planning for next calander year

Discuss board positions for next year.

Need chair person for scholarship event June 12th?

Nominations for officers from the floor.

Triage warm clothing project! 

Survey Monkey? Can we have a budget so we can get answers to pressing questions? 

Spring fund raiser social in conjunction with lions club formerly 🐌.

 Discuss playground project. Money and budget needed. 

Discuss Raffel for next year! Do we want motorcycle or other prizes? 

Speaker assignments. They have been made. Make sure you know when you are either speaking or providing a speaker>

Interact and Rotaract clubs. Progress report, help needed! We also need a leader candidate for RYLA. Whats involved? contact school and identify a youth or 2 to send.

We need spanish speaking Rotarians! 

Pre pets training, who can atteend? This is essential training for leadership.